Friday, July 9, 2010

Something I Overlooked

I like to think that anything can be turned into a joke.  I read Carlin's bit about how he could turn rape into a joke.  But I think sometimes it also requires a certain stage presence to do that, which I'm not sure that I have ready, yet.  As Derek pointed out following my traffic brainstorm: some things may be TOO universal to make jokes about.  To the point where people think about them so much while interacting with them that mentioning them on stage only really achieves redundancy.

This is a learning experience for me with every new joke I write or anecdote that I attempt, and I think I learned something valuable from failing with traffic as a topic: being able to universally relate a topic to someone is great, but if they he/she  has already exhausted the topic in his/her own life, I'm not really necessary.

In future if I think I'm touching on a subject that is overdone, then I'll probably keep it to a brief quip between skits.

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