Thursday, June 10, 2010

"What's the deal" with this blog?

My name is Caron, and I'm an aspiring stand-up comedian.  I don't know when the time came that my token response of: "My ideal job is to be a stand-up comedian" changed from a half-hearted joke to a sincere expression.  Ever since it has, however, I've fostered the notion that with enough hard work, tenacity, and tear-soaked blowjobs I could actually stand-up on stage and be laughed at.

Making people laugh has always been a priority of mine when I've interacted with others.  Right up there with making eye-contact and shifting at awkward angles to conceal my inexplicit erections.  I love the satisfaction of making a good joke, and the feeling I get when other people agree that it's good (resulting in a chuckle, laugh, snicker, stifled whimper, etc.).

This blog is here to tell the tales of my successes, failures, and to be a testing ground for my routine(s).  Don't laugh at me; not yet, anyway.  Wait until I'm on stage, in front of you, like I want to be.

1 comment:

  1. 1) Marinate your heart in hydrochloric acid to toughen it up.

    2) Make routines and perform them for groups of friends, once your leathery heart can withstand soul-crushing criticism.

    3) Rock on.
