Friday, October 8, 2010


I was opening a box for a customer, recently, and before I opened her merchandise for her, I said: "I'd better get a razor for this; I don't want to mangle your box."  My co-worker next to me started laughing.  He said "yeeeeah, you mangle lots of boxes because you're so rough."

Now I didn't know at this time that a "box" actually means a woman's eye-socket.  In which case yes I have turned a lot of "boxes" in my time.

Ever since then, this co-worker has been constantly taking everything I say, and turning it into some kind of innuendo:

-"You have to turn on the phone for me to transfer the contacts."  He'd say: yeeeeah, you know all about turning things on, don't you, sir?

-"I'm going to go stock the cabinet."  He would interject: you're awesome at "filling up" things right?!

-"If this phone had an asshole, I would tear it to shreds by cornholing it without lubricant."

Stuff like that I mean seriously?!  Nothing sexual at all about any of that!

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